Bluebell Cottage & Gardens
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Echinacea purpurea 'Rubinstern'
Geranium 'Blue Cloud'
Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii

Welcome to Bluebell Cottage Gardens online plant shop. We stock over 500 different hardy perennials for every possible situation, from hot, dry borders to cool shady corners. You can use our selection buttons to help you choose the right plant for your garden, search for a plant you know the name of, or just browse the list from A-Z for fun.

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The A to Z catalogue of plants grown at Bluebell Cottage Gardens

Botanical Names Common Names

Search the plants in the online shop by Main Flower Colour

Search the plants in the online shop by Height When Grown

Ground cover
Height 0 to 30cm
Height 30cm to 60cm
Height 60cm to 90cm
Height 90cm to 1.2m
Height Over 1.2m

Search the plants in the online shop by Aspect

Prefers Shade
Prefers Part-shade
Prefers Sun

Search the plants in the online shop by Soil Type

Wet Soil
Moist Soil
Normal Soil
Drained Soil
Dry Soil

Search the plants in the online shop by Flowering Period

Flowers in Spring
Early Summer
Mid Summer
Late Summer

Search the plants in the online shop by Rate Of Spread

Slow Spread
Moderate Spread
Fast Spread
Very Fast Spread

Search the plants in the online shop by Type Of Plant

Hardy perennials
Frost hardy perennial
Tender perennials
Hardy annuals
Hardy Biennials
Ornamental grasses

Other Information for online shoppers

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