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Alchemilla erythropoda (Dwarf Lady's Mantle)
Alchemilla erythropoda (Dwarf Lady's Mantle): Compact form of familiar Lady's Mantle. Makes excellent ground cover in fairly sunny or semi-shaded spots. Hardy. Up to 20cm.
Dryopteris wallichiana (Alpine wood fern)
Dryopteris wallichiana (Alpine wood fern): A deciduous fern with hairy stems and green upright shuttlecock-like foliage. Shade-loving. Hardy. Up to 1m.
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii (Mediterranean spurge)
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii (Mediterranean spurge): Evergreen perennial with blue-green leaves and vibrant lime-green flowers in early summer. Prefers full sun. Hardy to about -10C, but not for long periods. Up to 1.2m. [Collect Only]
Euphorbia mellifera (Honey spurge)
Euphorbia mellifera (Honey spurge): A stately plant which makes a dramatic feature in sheltered spots.
Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' (Blue fescue 'Elijah Blue')
Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' (Blue fescue 'Elijah Blue'): Forms an evergreen mound of fine, blue-green grass with sprays of blond flowers in mid-summer. Height to 30cm. Hardy.
Hakonechloa macra (Japanese Flowing Grass)
Hakonechloa macra (Japanese Flowing Grass): Mounds of arching green leaves that just touch the ground. A wonderful shade lover grown for its elegant flowing form.
Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican hellebore)
Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican hellebore): Evergreen hellebore with glaucous leaves and clusters of large green slightly pendant flowers [Collect Only]
Milium effusum 'Aureum' (Bowles's golden grass)
Milium effusum 'Aureum' (Bowles's golden grass): Semi-evergreen grass with bright golden foliage with delicate golden flowers in the summer. Prefers partial shade. Hardy. Up to 50cm.
Peucedanum verticillare (Giant Hog Fennel)
Peucedanum verticillare (Giant Hog Fennel): Huge and stately umbellifer with unfolding pinkish stems ultimately opening to a flat, open head of tiny greenish-white flowers
Tellima grandiflora 'Forest Frost' (Fringecups)
Tellima grandiflora 'Forest Frost' (Fringecups): Slender spikes of pinkish flowers late spring to mid-summer. Semi-evergreen reddish foliage. Great in shade. Height to 30cm. Hardy