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Alchemilla erythropoda (Dwarf Lady's Mantle)
Alchemilla erythropoda (Dwarf Lady's Mantle): Compact form of familiar Lady's Mantle. Makes excellent ground cover in fairly sunny or semi-shaded spots. Hardy. Up to 20cm.
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii (Mediterranean spurge)
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii (Mediterranean spurge): Evergreen perennial with blue-green leaves and vibrant lime-green flowers in early summer. Prefers full sun. Hardy to about -10C, but not for long periods. Up to 1.2m. [Collect Only]
Euphorbia mellifera (Honey spurge)
Euphorbia mellifera (Honey spurge): A stately plant which makes a dramatic feature in sheltered spots.
Euphorbia myrsinites (Spurge)
Euphorbia myrsinites (Spurge): Sprawling stems of glaucous leaves and acid green flowers in spring. Prefers full sun and good drainage. Hardy. Up to 30cm.
Hakonechloa macra (Japanese Flowing Grass)
Hakonechloa macra (Japanese Flowing Grass): Mounds of arching green leaves that just touch the ground. A wonderful shade lover grown for its elegant flowing form.
Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican hellebore)
Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican hellebore): Evergreen hellebore with glaucous leaves and clusters of large green slightly pendant flowers [Collect Only]
Milium effusum 'Aureum' (Bowles's golden grass)
Milium effusum 'Aureum' (Bowles's golden grass): Semi-evergreen grass with bright golden foliage with delicate golden flowers in the summer. Prefers partial shade. Hardy. Up to 50cm.
Peucedanum verticillare (Giant Hog Fennel)
Peucedanum verticillare (Giant Hog Fennel): Huge and stately umbellifer with unfolding pinkish stems ultimately opening to a flat, open head of tiny greenish-white flowers
Tellima grandiflora 'Forest Frost' (Fringecups)
Tellima grandiflora 'Forest Frost' (Fringecups): Slender spikes of pinkish flowers late spring to mid-summer. Semi-evergreen reddish foliage. Great in shade. Height to 30cm. Hardy